“In times of radical change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves perfectly equipped for a world that no longer exists.” - Erik Hoffer

April 18, 2012

Things I've been reading...

Sometimes I just don't have as much time to write as I wish. Maybe it would relieve a little pressure on my guilty conscience by providing a list of some of the articles that I wish I had time to write about:

Mike Swift, "Stanford grad student investigates online privacy," SiliconValley.com, 4/3/12. Online at: http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_20309391/stanford-grad-student-investigates-online-privacy
...The researchers and the advocates and the regulators have had to rely on the company itself to describe its practices. What Jonathan's platform has enabled, in collaboration with the (Stanford Computer) Security Lab, has been the ability to actually see what websites are really doing.
...Mayer's research most recently led to investigations by the FTC and state attorneys general in New York, Maryland and Connecticut, into Google's bypessing of the default privacy settings in Apple's Safari browser, meaning that millions of iPhone and iPad users that Google had said were not being tracked by its advertising network, in fact were having their Web data logged. 
Ryan Paul, "Ubuntu for Android: Canonical brings Ubuntu desktop to docked smartphones," ArsTechnica.com, 2/21/12. Online at: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/news/2012/02/ubuntu-for-android-canonical-brings-ubuntu-desktop-to-docked-smartphones.ars 

One of my friends recently said he hadn't heard anything about Ubuntu running on an Android phone.  I already want one!
...Carry just the phone, and connect it to any monitor to get a full Ubuntu desktop with all the native apps you want, running on the same device at the same time as Android. Magic. Everything important is shared across the desktop and the phone in real time," Shuttleworth wrote. "It just works, the way Ubuntu should. Lots of work behind the scenes to make both systems share what they need to share, but the desktop is a no-compromise desktop.